Monday, June 23, 2008

a song lyric

i come undone at the corners - the brain has been giving up in all spheres in spectacular ways that leave me feeling retarded and mildly suicidal. the new pet theory is that so much mental effort is going into not being a depressed miserable wreck that it can no longer process simple processes such as the driving of motor vehicles and the management of money.

oooh, but there is an enormous part of me considering the possibility that i really am growing dumber duller stupider, in which case i will definitely kill myself. if i have enough mental capacity to figure out a simple and foolproof way to do it, anyhow.

oh, sigh. that email read so much better before it was sent. :(
p.s. i just learnt it means: "conqueror of all miseries". i suppose it only applies to the person who owns the name?

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