Tuesday, June 27, 2006

on a roll

Another thing is my choice of friends. More than friends. It's that stupid hero-worship thing. I can't compute it. WTF, I ask you. What the hell is the need to only hang on to those few people whom you know are going to beat the shit out of your self-confidence? Whom you know are just going to end up letting you down? Tell me, you dumb fat pig.
Hmmm. Abusing self feels good. You must be careful to do it as external wiser and better version, or you'll end up depressing yourself. Which one you are at the end of a rant is important. The failure, sunk in the despondence of her depravity? The nagging shrew with the shrill screaming?
What delightful choices, to be sure.
This is what I mean.
Stupid stupid man.
I hate him. I HATE HIM.

hmmm. did it work?
a little.
congratulations, manipulator of minds.

:D happiness is convincing yourself that you are the best thing that ever happened to you.

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