Wednesday, April 19, 2006


3:40 in the afternoon. I’m bone weary and heart hungry. Perhaps in a few hours I’ll be able to get a positive lesson out of this.
Right now, however, I would like to do a little bit of whining. I find that I lose friends (well, they say they’re my friends) thick and fast when I do it in real life, so I’ll do it here sans the high-pitched whine that is my voice.
It only seems to be really effective if done with the vocal accompaniment.

swear! swear! swear!
swear! swear!
And one last time
swear! !!!

This is something I came up with. Convenient “replace with oath of choice” from the person who does not wish to offend.

To what I actually logged on to say
(apropos of nothing, all my sentences seem to start that way of late – Why must I always "insert relevant verb phrase/insulting adjective(s) of choice")
am I always the one to do all the work? Why do I always end up in a place where everything hinges on me, and I can’t pull it off only because of others’ incompetence?
It isn’t as though-
Am I wasting my life? It sure seems that way, now more than ever. Thank God for some lecturers. It means something when there is no one in your class who has any outside interests apart from "timepass".

This is a grouse about a person.
I hate grice about people. It’s as bad as gossip. I need to get this out of my system, though, before I get ulcers.
Anyone would have been better. Actually… no, only perhaps one person would have been better. I have been lucky in teammates in the past!
Such an incoherent mess this is

You shame me
To go at every task
With the same deter


4:10 pm
I remember my primary grouse
I’m not leader material
Not unless everyone working for me is as good as I am. Or at least has the same ethic. I cannot take shoddy work. At least, I never used to be able to – no. I CANNOT TAKE SHODDY WORK
Things have to be just so. And this place is killing me.
These people are stifling me.
Is it a good thing?
I’m going to end up with a heart problem at this rate.
Architecture is not important
Being the best you can be is not important what am I saying I am making myself cry here.
Am I wasting my life? I need to know. Am I learning anything from this? Five years is not much if it teaches you any of life’s great lessons. I would think so, at least.
I was "swear!"ing ready to make every floor plan

No no no
You need to let it go. I let so many things go. Is it good, in the end, not to try your hardest? Is there a gradation of things you do that tells you which of them you put your heart and soul into and which of them you do with a lick and a promise? I have changed, father William.
The only good thing about this is that I know which blog this is going on.

Look at me. It’s another forty-five minutes before the final presentation is due. All the work I did over the weekend was for nothing. The pain of fruitless labour. Did I ever know this in school? Does everyone know this feeling? Is it character building? Do I care?
They’re here
Lord lord. Let it be all good. This is not a prayer, I can handle it if it doesn’t go good. All I want is my due. That’s all I’ve ever, ever, ever, ever wanted.

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