Monday, March 26, 2007


And it has been a year.
Oh, has it? Really, my dear?

Is it mandatory to take stock when one has been writing for a significant amount of time, I wonder. Well, it hardly matters because I take stock as a matter of course every second Tuesday anyhow.
Of course it ain't Tuesday, but what matter?
What did I do, this one year? Got mail. Wrote mail. Met people. If I were to enumerate all the things I did that were significant at all, it would take too long, and bore me to tears partway, and really, that's not allowed.

I wrote, this year.
157 posts over at some yells.
89 poems over at yellow.
15 excursions into fiction, or something like it, over at not.

176 moans here, at blue.

And I broke barriers and fought prejudices and opened up one big part of me, just because no one will come in if you aren't open. And I wove around myself delightful fantasies that will never come true because I'm too timid to try, and I wrote around people the most splendid of characters, and through it all, I believed.
More fool I.
But a lovable fool, in the end; and if you love yourself there's nothing more you need, right?

Hmm. We'll see about that.
time to untangle the tee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a hole in the ground there lives a hobbit. He wears a red party hat and jumps out at blue passing strangers, singing
"Happy Birthday!"