Thursday, March 15, 2007


How sad that I always look for the ulterior motives now.
I always suspected that reasons were two-fold, and now I've stopped hoping for things being as they seem.
Where are the people to restore my faith in people?

Why did he say hello, out of the blue like that? Or was it all he said, and have I been entirely wrong? Am I being paranoid, and insecure, and stupid? Or were my instincts right to warn me away from selfish boys? Will it be abysmally stupid to hope for comfort again?
And, most importantly, how much does he know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And, most importantly, how much does he know?

As much as you have shown.

And two-fold reasons... don't we all sometimes think of things that aren't really there, and yet overlooking whatever is actually present...?