Tuesday, November 14, 2006


When you let yourself down; when you let your ideals go; when you break your own heart - then what right have you to ask others to treat you better?

What right have you to expect them to?

...and he watched over word and thought and deed as jealously as if her clear eyes were to pass in judgment on it. She held over him the unconscious influence that every girl, whose ideals are high and pure, wields over her friends; an influence which would endure as long as she was faithful to those ideals and which she would as certainly lose if she were ever false to them...

I feel the need to weep, but then, when have I ever been able?
Make me cry? No one did it the last time I asked.


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, they were both here, and I was sleeping. :(
Where's the justice? Stupid, stupid spinning planet.

Anonymous said...

Your blog really moved me, in a dark sort of way. I know exactly what you mean when you say "Make me cry? No one did when I asked"..

take care. :)

Anonymous said...

thank you :)