Friday, July 14, 2006


In other news, turns out I discovered my sexuality somewhere and didn't even realize it. Bummer.
I guess it's what all this new-found confidence and comfort is all about. I'm definitely not that same ol' scaredy cat I was back in school, and nothing has changed anywhere else to suddenly make me more aware of my self-worth. Sure, I got to know my mind, but I don't think that would have been nearly enough.
I don't know if I like the fact that all theories can be turned over just with a little new information.
However, glad that the theory of comfort holds good. I like that theory. It's more beautiful than most.

Meanwhile the bee is all crazy with my poorly phrased cyphers. Aiy-yah. Not all of it was the same person, if you're reading this, my babe.
Also thank you for all the new persons. I am far too lucky.

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